VIR index
  Man, Hero, Virtue
Creating solid Catholic culture through family life, education, restoration of sound liturgy and involvement in society
From Catholic Men and Moreover This one is pretty self explanatory Notes from our readers Stories of men doing it right
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Solemn Column

by Jim Garlits

[Jan 19] We've got a lot in store for us in this new millennium. Personally, I don't plan to be around for much of it. But my children and their grandchildren will be. How many of them will become priests and religious? Will their faith be strong? What will they think of our generation? These are the things that run through my head as I'm falling right now.

I believe that the future is going to be spectacular for the Catholic faith. I believe that this generation of men is going to rediscover a sense of sin, and become holy; rediscover a sense of the sacred, and become immersed in the inner life of the Church.

VIR hopes to be an awakening of men from the bottom up. We're going to hit four areas with all of our collective might: Family. Education. Society. Liturgy.

We're going to share stories about men who are doing it right. We're going to read good spiritual books and get together on the local level to put good ideas into action. We're going to pray like we've never prayed before. And if it is God's will, we will change the world.

Check out the site. We hope to publish the best original content for in the upcoming months and years. While we're getting off the ground, we'll be bringing you a mix content both original and acquired.



